Nowadays, youngsters are very fascinated with playing games and can spend their entire days playing different sorts of games. Keeping this in mind, we have brought you a unique card game – Go Fish. It will keep your children engaged while you are busy with household and other important activities. So, if you are wondering how to play Go Fish, this is the right post for you to read.

Go Fish is an Honor System game, which means it is completely possible (though unadvisable) to lie during turns. But cheating to win the game defeats its purpose, which is based on asking other players for a card they need. This article will guide you to play the game easily.

About the Game

Here’s an idea of how to play Go Fish game – each player receives five cards from a standard 52-card deck. But if there are only 2 players, they receive seven cards. The players split up the remaining cards, which are typically arranged in an unkempt heap known as the “ocean” or “pool”.

Any player whose turn it is to play may request any other player’s card with a specific face value. For instance, “Peter, do you have any eights?” Eddie would inquire. Eddie must own at least one card in the desired rank. If possible, Peter has to turn in all the cards of that rank. He also has to bring the cards to the player, wherever they may be.

When Peter urges Eddie to “go fish”—or just “fish”—if he doesn’t have any, Eddie takes a card out of the pool and holds it in his hand. After that, it is the turn of the following player, unless Eddie draws the card he requested, in which case he displays it to the other players and takes another turn. Four cards with the same face value held by the same player at any given time make a book.

Furthermore, the cards must face up to that person. The drama continues on the left. The game ends after every set of cards gets inside the books. The player must collect the maximum number of books to win.

Variations in How to Play Go Fish Instructions

These fundamental guidelines come in various forms:

  1. Play the Matched Sets of similar Face Down: To avoid calling a rank twice and wasting a turn, players will need to improve their hearing and memory skills to determine which card ranks have previously been matched.
  2. Play in Pairs Instead of similar. We advise matching colors while playing this way: red represents hearts and diamonds, and black represents clubs and spades. Gamers would then inquire, “Do you have any red fours?”

How to Play Go Fish Game?

Follow the below to know How to Play Go Fish Instructions

1. Gather 2+ Players along with a Standard Deck of Cards

If you are wondering how to play Go Fish card, you need 2 (or more) players and a standard deck of cards.

2. Determine who will go first

To decide who goes in the Go Fish game first, you can choose methods, such as rock-paper-scissors, youngest player, etc.

3. Start the Game by Distributing 5 Cards to Each Player and Creating a Draw Pile

The next step in How to Play Go Fish Game, you should shuffle a typical 52-card deck before distributing them to each player.  Although they can take a look at them, players should not show their cards to each other. To create a draw pile, arrange the remaining cards by facing them down in the center of your playing table. You should note that in a 2-person game, both the players should receive 7 cards.

4. Evaluate the Cards for Similar Matches

Each player must carefully check their cards to decide whether they were given a similar match. When a player has a similar match, they should place it facing up front on the table at once.

5. Play the Turn

The dealer’s leftover player will take the first turn. During any turn:

  1. Any opponent is asked by the player if they have any cards in a particular rank. “Steve, do you have any 7s?” is one example.
  2. The player may make additional requests of any opponent if they have any cards of that rank, and the opponent must turn them all over to the player. For instance, Steve has to give up both of his sevens if he has two. During their subsequent turn, players can ask any opponent for the card rank—either the same rank or a different rank.
  3. The opponent responds, “Go Fish!” if they have insufficient cards with the required rank. Next, one card must be drawn by the player from the top of the draw pile and:

a. They can show the other players that they had a successful draw and that their turn has been saved if they pull the card they requested from the draw pile! They also receive another chance to repeat the previous procedure and ask an opponent for a card.

b. The player adds that card to their hand and hides it from their opponents if they cannot draw the desired card rank. It’s their turn to go.

6. Rotate Turns Clockwise

After the turn ends, play continues the same ton in a clockwise manner to the next player, requesting the card he needs from any opponent.

7. Continue Playing Until All Cards Have Been Paired as similar

Until one of the players matches every card on the deck and plays it as a similar, play will go on.

You should note that if a player runs out of cards in their hand, they must draw 5 more from the draw pile. They should take all the cards left in the draw pile if there are fewer than five. If there are no cards left in the draw pile, they should stop playing and wait for the other players to finish. When there are NO cards in the draw pile, when a player would normally “Go Fish,” the turn ends, and the play rotates to the next player for their turn.

8. Declare the Player with the Most Similar Matches as the Winner!

Count the number of similar sets that each player has. A player with the maximum number of matched sets will win!

Rules of How to Play Go Fish Game

Now that you know how to play go fish game, you must also learn some basic rules about it. If

  1. A player runs out of cards, they draw 5 more for a 3+ player game (or 7 if a 2-player game).
  2. Less than 5 cards are in the middle (for a 3+ player game), so take whatever is left.
  3. The draw deck runs out, continue play until cards have been played as four-of-a-kinds.
  4. A player runs out of cards, their game is over, and must wait until the end.

Last but not least, players must have at least one of the ranks to ask another player for it.

Wrapping Up – How to Play Go Fish Game

This holiday season, teach your kids to play Go Fish to keep them occupied! This page promotes matching and memorizing abilities by providing a step-by-step tutorial for the game. After drawing cards from a regular deck, each player takes turns requesting other players for particular ranks. Playing sets in pairs or face down are two variations. The person with the most sets wins. Rules emphasize honesty and ensure fair play.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question – How to play Go Fish with 2 players?


If you are wondering how to play Go Fish with 2 players, follow some simple methods below:

  1. Deal the Cards: Give each player 7 cards after a regular 52-card deck has been shuffled.
  2. Objective: Gather 4-card sets that are all of the same rank.
  3. Taking Turns: First to go is the player to the left of the dealer. Find out your opponent’s exact rank by asking.
  4. “Go Fish”: Say “Go fish!” and pull a card from the deck if your opponent does not have the desired rank.
  5. Collect Sets: Put the four cards that have the same rank in front of you.
  6. Winning: When the draw pile runs out of cards or someone runs out of cards, the game is over. The most sets of four cards belong to the winner.

Enjoy playing Go Fish!

Question – What are the rules for Go Fish?


When instructed to “Go Fish,” select a card from the draw pile. If it’s the kind you requested, display it to the group. Then you must add it to your hand, and carry on by requesting particular cards from other players. You lose your turn if you draw a card that you did not request.

Question – How to play Go Fish when I run out of cards?


Any player who has run out of cards in their hand must draw five more cards from the draw pile. They should take all the leftover cards from the draw pile. If there are no cards left in the draw pile, they should stop playing and wait for the other players to finish.


Amelia is an editor with a special talent for simplifying tricky topics. She enjoys breaking down complex ideas into clear, engaging content that connects with readers. Amelia’s friendly and approachable style makes learning enjoyable for everyone.

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